Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why a hardware standard?

I had a comment and a couple emails asking as to what the point of standards are, especially the point of a hardware standard, let us take a short moment to explore this, hopefully after you read this post the entirety of reason will become self evident.

If you take the time to look, everything has standards, the lcd screen in front of you, the hdmi cable connecting your xbox and tv, the cd you put in your drive, everything has a standard, standards promote quality and insure interoperability between components. Lets take a look at how standards between the three branches feed themselves:

Software Standard:

The idea is to creat the worlds first native multitouch operating system based on the linux kernel. The operating system will run and work properly on all certfied hardware.

App Dev Platform:

The most successful and capable software is properitary, adobe, autocad, maya, etc. This is because sales gives the funding to develop them. The applications in turn cause the operating system to be successful. A successful operating system promotes the following of a hardware standard.

Hardware Standard:

The idea is that in the future there will not just be one manufacturer of multitouch tables / boxes, just as there is not one manufacture of mobile devices / touch screens / pc's. By creating a set of standards, if manufacters comply with them then they will be gaurnteed to work with the software. As hardware is purchased it provides funds to further develop the technology and promte growth.

As you can see standards are a good thing, each branch feeds back into the next fostering growth and development.

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